Ladies Visitation Committee

The Visitation Committee is responsible for visiting the sisters of the congregation who may be either, in the hospital, ill at home, residing in a nursing home facility or recuperating in a rehabilitation facility. During these visits to sisters, we pray to the Lord on our sister’s behalf, provide scripture reading and sing praises to the Lord, with the goal to uplift our sister in Christ during their illness or recuperation. And if necessary, assist with, food, light house cleaning etc.

Chair: Josie Harding (pictured right)
Co-Chair: Carol Barnes (pictured left)
Right: Chair-Josie Harding Left: Co-Chair-Carol Barnfes

Ladies Education Committee

The Education Committee serves to strengthen, encourage, nurture, and education Christian Women of all ages. Empowering maturity in their spiritual faith through bible classes, seminars, conferences, and work shops. Enabling spiritual growth, biblical knowledge, and Christian characteristics in the live of Christian Women.

This Committee sponsors functions to promote spiritual and educational events that will bring the sister together as a group. New events and programs are welcomed as approved by the elders. Following are the events that have been assigned to this committee previously.

  1. Annual Ladies Day seminar.
  2. Ladies Bible classes
  3. Prepare a quarterly report to be given to the Ladies Coordinator.

Chair: Vicki Ford                    Co-Chair: Yolanda Adams
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Ladies Fellowship

This committee provides activities for the sisters to participate in. New events and programs are welcomed as approved by the elders. Following are the events that have been done previously.

  1. Baby showers
  2. Wedding showers
  3. Mother / Daughter Banquet
  4. Sister’s Outings and Activities; which have included volleyball, pot luck affairs, trips to plays and malls in other cities.

Chair: Shae Webb                    Co-Chair: Natalie Williams
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Kitchen and Food Committee

This committee takes care of functions relating to the use of the kitchen and food preparation for the following; Listed are some of the previous duties.
1. Prepare meals for funerals
2. Prepare lunch for clean up day
3. Keep kitchen stocked
4. Other activities assigned by the elders.
5. Keep kitchen cleaned and have a major clean up twice a year
6. Assist other committees that require food for their function

Co-Chair: Ophelia Richardson             Co-Chair: Freddie Lifsey
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Ladies Baptism Committee

  1. To assist ladies who are being baptized
  2. Provide a schedule to those on the committee so they will know when their assigned time is. The schedule can also be put in the bulletin and on the boards in the foyer.
  3. Wash garments and towels from both the ladies and men baptisms
  4. Washing and drying should be done at the church
  5. Use the record book in the baptismal room to record names and dates of ladies being baptized.

Chair: Christie Slater (pictured right)
Co-Chair: Stephanie Johnson (pictured left)

Ladies Publicity Committee

  1. Publicize events on the board in the west and east foyer.
  2. When no events are occurring; the boards should be kept up with other bulletin board ideas.
  3. The committee should be given a 2 week notice from other committees, elders and etc when wanting to have events publicized on the board.

Chair: Krystal Atkinson          Co-Chair: Brittany Dozier
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Health Department

“To assist members with and promote Physical, Emotional and Spiritual health through education and community resources while recognizing God’s healing power in our daily lives.”

Chair: Willie Alford