Roy L. Montgomery Sr.

440 N.W. 89th Street

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731114
Tel. (405) 842-0255 / Cell (405) 401-3221

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I was born in the state of Alabama. I attended Westhighland and Hubbertville High Schools. I migrated to Atlanta, Ga at eighteen years of age and lived there until 1989.

My family and I have made Oklahoma City, Oklahoma our home since moving from Atlanta, Georgia in June of 1989.

Counting courtship and marriage, Sis Montgomery and I have been “sweethearts” for 45+ years and hope to see that many more.

Lynda and I are the parents of three adult children (Tonya, Roy Jr. and Roderick) and seven grandchildren, Malik (17rs.) and Roy III / “cheeky” (14yrs), Kaleb (12yrs), Anna (10yrs), Ian (9ysrs) and Reagan (9yrs) and Dereck 3yrs).

I earned a Masters Degree in Biblical Studies from The American Christian College and Seminary, Oklahoma City, OK in 2004.  I retired from GM’s management team after thirty-six years of service. I am a US Army veteran. I have been trained in the areas of: Christian counseling, Personnel Development, Church Growth and Conflict Resolution.

I have been declaring the gospel of our Lord for 38+yrs. I served under the guidance of Bro. Wesley R. Brown Sr. for 9yrs in Atlanta, GA and with Bro. James H. Mason Jr. for 10yrs in Oklahoma City, OK. I served as the pulpit minister for the Southeast Church of Christ in Clinton, Oklahoma for 5.5 yrs. I currently serve as the pulpit minister for the Estes Park Church of Christ in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in the North Highland and Estes Park additions.

Lynda and I have done mission work within and outside of the United States…Belize, Central America. We also facilitate Marriage Enrichment Seminars in and out of our home state.

Our goal is to do Kingdom work and make a difference in the lives of people…one person and one family at a time.

We are thankful to be counted as servants in Christ Jesus…

Respectfully Submitted,
Roy L Montgomery Sr.
Roy L. Montgomery Sr., Minister
Estes Park Church of Christ